INT 10H 1009H: Read All Palette Registers

                                                          Compatibility: VGA 
 Expects: AX    1009H
          ES:BX address of 17-byte buffer to receive data
 Returns: ES:BX buffer contains 16 palette regs + overscan reg
    Info: This obtains the current rgbRGB values of all the VGA palette
          registers and the overscan (border) register.  See INT 10H 1000H
          and EGA I/O Ports for info on rgbRGB palette register settings.

    ES:BX must point to a 17-byte buffer to receive the data.

   Notes: ■ This is typically used by a program which wants to save the
            palette in order to restore it later.  You may prefer to use
            INT 10H 1cH for save/restore operations.

          ■ Since the EGA BIOS does not support this fn, palette
            manipulation by TSRs and task-switchers is difficult.  The
            standard DOS device driver, EGA.SYS intercepts INT 10H and
            emulates this function (it tracks the current palette as set
            via BIOS calls, but cannot track direct I/O port manipulation).

See Also: INT 10H 10H: EGA/VGA Palette Functions
          INT 10H: Video Services
          EGA/VGA Data Areas