INT 10H 101aH: Query DAC Color Paging State

                                                          Compatibility: VGA 
 Expects: AX    101aH
 Returns: BH    current active DAC color page
          BL    current active DAC paging mode
    Info: Obtains the current settings in use for DAC color paging.  On

       BL 00H = mode 0 (4 blocks of 64 registers)
          01H = mode 1 (16 blocks of 16 registers

       BH active page number (0-3 in mode 0 or 0-15 in mode 1)

          See INT 10H 1013H (DAC color paging fns) for related info.

See Also: INT 10H 10H: EGA/VGA Palette Functions
          INT 10H: Video Services
          EGA/VGA Data Areas