INT 10H 1120H: Setup INT 1fH Vector

                                                      Compatibility: EGA VGA 
 Expects: AX    1120H
          ES:BP address of 8x8 font-definition info for > chars 128
 Returns: (none)
    Info: This just saves ES:BP into the vector for INT 1fH; that is it
          defines how the BIOS will display characters from 80H-ffH when in
          CGA-graphics mode (200 vertical res).

    ES:BP points to a table containing the character-definition codes.  It
          should be 2048 bytes long.

          See Video Font Definition for byte layout.

    Note: This fn requires that you modify BP.  When calling from high-
          level languages such as C, be very careful to save and restore
          BP, since it is used to keep track of the "stack frame".

See Also: INT 10H 11H: EGA/VGA Character Generator Functions
          INT 10H: Video Services
          EGA/VGA Data Areas