Compatibility: 1.0+
Purpose: Sets the number of disk buffers DOS will allocate. Use to make
certain disk intensive operations perform faster.
Syntax: BUFFERS= n[,m]
n is the requested number of buffers, from 1 to 99. The default
(when BUFFERS= is not used) is 2, 3, 10, or 15, depending on
available memory (15 for most 640K+ systems).
m sets how many 'look-ahead' buffers to allocate; they are used for
reading upcoming sectors, before they are actually requested. It
can range from 0 to 8. The default is 0.
█▌TECH Notes▐█
■ When DOS= HIGH, and BUFFER= is less than 48, then DOS will store the
buffers in the HMA▲.
■ With DOS 6.2, when DOS= HIGH, and BUFFER= is small (<10), then
DBLSPACE.BIN will load part of itself into the HMA to conserve
conventional memory.
■ It is possible to suballocate memory in the HMA (see INT 2fH 4axxH).
However, if BUFFERS= is large, then there'll be no room in the inn.
■ When Smartdrv or other disk cache is active, you should minimize your
BUFFERS= setting.
See Also: CONFIG.SYS Commands