DOS Fn 0dH: Reset Disk

                                                         Compatibility: 1.0+ 
 Expects: AH    0DH
 Returns: none
    Info: Flushes all file buffers.

          This does NOT update file length in a directory.  To ensure a
          file's length is correctly recorded, close the file via Fn 10H or

   Notes: ■ All MS-DOS tools that buffer I/O data will honor this function,
            including the SmartDrv disk cache and caching performed by
            DoubleSpace.  For instance, if you want to avoid having
            Smartdrv perform its periodic disk output during a time-
            critical program function, use Fn 0dH before starting that

          ■ Control does not return until all buffers have been flushed.

          ■ The default INT 23H Ctrl+Break handler calls this function when
            DOS detects Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C.

See Also: Disk Drive Functions
          DOS Functions