INT 15H 530aH: Query Power Status

 Expects: AX    5309H
          BX    0001H
 Returns: AH    APM error code (if CF=CY) else...
          BH    AC line status: 00H = off-line
                                01H = on-line
                                ffH = unknown
          BL    Battery status: 00H = high
                                01H = low
                                02H = critical
                                03H = charging
                                ffH = unknown
          CL    Remaining battery life: 00H-64H (0-100) percent full charge
                                        ffH = unknown
    Info: This function returns information about the status of the power
          and battery.

          You may access this service via INT 15H or by using the APM entry
          address obtained via INT 15H 5302H or INT 15H 5303H (protected
          mode connect).

See Also: APM API
          About APM