DOS Fn 2cH: Query DOS Time

                                                         Compatibility: 1.0+ 
 Expects: AH    2cH
 Returns: CH    hour (0 to 23)
          CL    minutes (0 to 59)
          DH    seconds (0 to 59)
          DL    hundredths of a second (0 to 99)
    Info: Returns the current time as known to the system.

   Notes: ■ Since the system clock ticks at 18.2 ticks per second (55ms)
            intervals, DL is accurate to about ±4/100ths of a second.

          ■ See INT 08H and INT 15H for other timer-related information.

See Also: Fn 2dH (set time)
          Fn 2aH (get date)
          DOS Functions