DOS Fn 38H: Get/Set Country-dependent Info

                                                         Compatibility: 2.0+ 
 Expects: AH    38H
          DX    0ffffH select country code in AL (or BX) as current country
                  AL = Country Code (if code < 254)
                     = 0ffH and BX is a Country Code
                            BX=code of country you want to make current

                (else) get CountryInfoRec for country number in AL (or BX)
                  AL = 00H: Get info for current country
                      0ffH: Get info for country whose code is in BX
                            BX=code of country whose info you want
                      else: Get info for country whose code is in AL

          BX    (if AL=0ffH) 16-bit country code

          DS:DX address of local buffer to receive a CountryInfoRec
 Returns: AX    error code if CF is set to CY
          BX    country code
          DS:DX buffer holds country info (if DX was not 0ffffH on entry)
    Info: In 2.0+, gets localization information about a country.
          In 3.0+, gets country info or activates a different country as
          the current country.

          DOS's support of international localization includes information
          on the time-and-date format, currency layout, and collation
          (string sorting) tools.  See CountryInfoRec for related info.

          To get country info:
          ■ Set DS:DX to a buffer large enough for a CountryInfoRec.
          ■ Set AL to a Country Code (if the country code > 254, then set
            AL to 0ffH, and set BX to the country code).
            To get info on the current country, set AL to 0.
          ■ Set AH to 38H and perform INT 21H.

          To select a different country as the "current" country:
          ■ DX to a 0ffffH.
          ■ Set AL to desired Country Code (if the country code > 254, then
            set AL to 0ffH, and set BX to the country code).
          ■ Set AH to 38H and perform INT 21H.

Versions: 2.x
          You cannot select a different current country.  The calling
          sequence is simpler:
          Expects: AL    = 0
                   DS:DX = address of 20H-byte local buffer
          Returns: fills memory at DS:DX with DOS 2.x CountryInfoRec

See Also: Fn 6501H (get extended country Info)
          Fn 6601H (query global code page)
          Fn 6602H (set global code page)
          National Language Support
          DOS Functions