DOS Fn 440dH CL=67H: IOCTL Query Access Flag
Compatibility: 4.0 only ◄Undoc►
Expects: AX 440dH
BX drive (0=default, 1=A, 2=B, etc.)
CL 67H
CH 08H (device category: block device)
DS:DX addr of a 16-bit buffer to receive information
Returns: AX error code if CF is set to CY
DS:DX buffer contains returned data:
DS:[DX+0] always 0
DS:[DX+1] 00H=drive is NOT locked
01H=drive is locked; access is denied
Info: Obtains the current setting of the disk access flag. The driver
may disable all disk access, for instance, when it detects
unformatted media or an invalid boot record.
Note: This function is not documented in official MS-DOS references.
See Also: Fn 44H (IOCTL)
Fn 440dH (generic IOCTL for block devices)
Fn 440dH 47H (set access flag)
Generic IOCTL Data Packets
DOS Functions