ANSI Console Escape Sequences
ANSI Escape codes have no effect unless ANSI.SYS has been installed via a
DEVICE= command in CONFIG.SYS. Use INT 2fH 1a00H to see if it is
installed. Just output the codes to the CON device (see Character I/O).
Several examples are included at the end of this topic.
Note: Since you can't be certain that all computers have ANSI.SYS
installed, most programmers do not rely on using these codes in
commercial applications.
In the following list, items in this color are parameters (usually numeric
values in decimal) and the ← character is an ESC (ASCII 27 or 1bH).
Sequence (← is ESC) Function
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
█▌Cursor Motion▐█
←[row;clmH positions the cursor. Default is 1;1 (top left corner)
←[row;clmf (same as above)
←[rowsA moves the cursor up. Default: 1. Won't go above top.
←[rowsB moves cursor down. Default: 1. Won't go below bottom.
←[clmsC moves the cursor forward (to the right) Default: 1
←[clmsD moves the cursor backward (to the left) Default: 1
█▌Erase Operations▐█
←[2J erases the screen and homes the cursor
←[K erases to the end of the current line
←[6n outputs the current line and column in the form:
←[s saves the current cursor position (see ←[u)
←[u restores cursor to last position saved by ←[s
█▌Screen Control▐█
←[attr;...;attrm sets display attributes. attr values are:
0 normal (white on black)
1 bold (character colors are high-intensity)
4 underline (IBM Monochrome monitor only)
5 blink (foreground blinks)
7 reverse (black on white)
8 no display (foreground = background)
30 BLACK foreground 40 BLACK background
31 RED foreground 41 RED background
32 GREEN foreground 42 GREEN background
33 YELLOW foreground 43 YELLOW background
34 BLUE foreground 44 BLUE background
35 MAGENTA foreground 45 MAGENTA background
36 CYAN foreground 46 CYAN background
37 WHITE foreground 47 WHITE background
←[=modeh sets screen width and mode where mode values are:
0 40x25 text mode black and white
1 40x25 text mode color
2 80x25 text mode black and white
3 80x25 text mode color
4 320x200 graphics mode color
5 320x200 graphics mode black and white
6 640x200 graphics mode black and white
7 Causes cursor to wrap to new line at end of line.
←[=7l stops cursor from wrapping at end of line
█▌Keyboard Redefinition▐█
←[num;num...nump redefines a keystroke so it yields different values.
or The first num (or first character of string) is
←["string"p the key being redefined. The following values are the
or new value for the key.
←[num;"string"p The following redefines Ctrl-D key to be: DIR C:[Enter]
or ←[4;"DIR C:";13p
combinations Certain keystrokes must be defined with two nums.
For example, [F1] is: 0;59; and [Home] is: 0;71;
The following redefines the F10 key to be: DIR [Enter]
See Extended ASCII Keystrokes for a full listing.
Note: To reset a key to its original value, use its
num code(s) twice. The following resets [F10].
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
One way to find if ANSI.SYS is installed, is to display the ←[6n function
and immediately read standard input. It should yield a value in the form:
Another way is to use INT 2fH 1a00H (get ANSI.SYS state) DOS 3.0+
Here are some examples usages in two programming languages:
;============================= ASM example =========================
data_seg segment
ColorMode db 1bH,'=3h','$'
SetF10 db 1bH,'0;68;"F10 was pressed"p','$'
data_seg ends
code_seg segment
mov dx,offset ColorMode ;set screen to 80x25 color mode
mov ah,9 ;DOS display string function
int 21H
mov dx,offset SetF10 ;redefine F10 key to a string of text
mov ah,9
int 21H
code_seg ends
/* ====================== C function example ======================= */
int row,clm;
It is difficult to experiment with ANSI sequences from the DOS command
line since DOS does not allow direct keyboard input of the ESC character.
Here are three ways to experiment:
• Use DOS's Edit command (DOS 5.0+) to create a batch file:
┌────────────────────────────────────── (BLUEIT.BAT)
│REM -- clears screen to yellow on blue
│ECHO ←[0;33;44m←[2J
Note: To make the ← character in Edit, press Ctrl+P then press Esc.
• Use the PROMPT command to output an ESC to the console. For instance:
┌─────────────────── (SETANSI.BAT)
│PROMPT $e[7m sets up to display in reverse video
│PROMPT $e[0;68;"DIR";13p redefines the F10 key
│PROMPT $p$g sets the prompt back to normal
• Create a disk file with BASIC and then TYPE it from DOS:
OPEN "ansitest.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
PRINT #1,CHR$(27);"[7m" '** display reverse video
PRINT #1,CHR$(27);"[0;68;'DIR';13p" '** define F10 key as DIR
TYPE ansitest.txt
See Also: Extended ASCII Keystrokes
ASCII Control Codes
Character Set Matrix