DOS Fn 5700H: Query File Time/Date

                                                         Compatibility: 2.0+ 
 Expects: AX    5700H
          BX    file handle of an open file
 Returns: AX    error code if CF is set to CY
          CX    file's time, in FileTimeRec format (if no error)
          DX    file's date, in FileDateRec format
    Info: Obtains the time and date at which the specified file was created
          or most-recently modified (the last time its directory entry was

   Notes: ■ This is useful only for currently-open files.  To avoid the
            file open/close overhead, use fn 4eH (find first file).

See Also: Fn 5701H (set file time/date)
          File time/date format (bit-field format of return info)
          Directory and File Functions
          DOS Functions