INT 31H 0e00H: Query Coprocessor Status

                                                    Compatibility: DPMI 0.9+ 
 Expects: AX    0d00H
 Returns: CF    NC (clear) if successful; else AX = DPMI Error Code
          AX    coprocessor status bits (see below)
    Info: This obtains information about a numeric coprocessor -- whether
          one exists, its type, etc.

       AX on return, contains the following bit codes:
           1 1
          ┌5┬4┬ - ┬7┬6┬5┬4┬3┬2┬1┬0┐
          │    ...│  type │ │ │ │ │
          └─┴─┴ - ┴─┴─┴─┴─┴╥┴╥┴╥┴╥┘ bit  mask
                  ╚══╦══╝ ║ ║ ║ ╚═►  0: 0001H 1=enabled for this client
                     ║    ║ ║ ╚═══►  1: 0002H 1=client is emulating coproc
                     ║    ║ ╚═════►  2: 0004H 1=numeric coproc is present
                     ║    ╚═══════►  3: 0008H 1=host is emulating coproc
                     ╚════════════►4-7: 00f0H coprocessor type: 0=none
                                               2=80287; 3=80387; 4=80486
                                               5=Pentium coproc

   Notes: You can use INT 31H 0400H to determine the CPU type, but you
          should not make any assumptions about the presence or features of
          a coprocessor based on the return from that call.

See Also: DPMI API
          INT 2fH: Multiplex Interrupt
          DOS Functions