Alphabetical List of Opcodes
This table lists all 80x86 opcodes except 80x87 Floating Point Opcodes.
Additional descriptions are available in the the Opcode Functional Groups.
AAA adjust after ASCII addition
AAD adjust before ASCII division
AAM adjust after ASCII multiply
AAS adjust for ASCII subtraction
ADC dest,src add two operands, using carry from previous ADD
ADD dest,src add two operands, placing result in dest
ADDRSIZ (prefix; 67H) next address ref is non-default size 386+
AND dest,src logical AND (mask; reset dest bits which are 0 in src)
ARPL lvl Adjust Requested Priv. Level to higher of cur or lvl 286+
BOUND reg16,lmts perform limit-check on reg16
BSF reg,src Bit Scan Forward; reg←(index of next 1-bit of src) 386+
BSF reg,src Bit Scan Reverse; reg←(index of prev 1-bit of src) 386+
BSWAP reg32 Swap low-to-high order of reg32 to high-to-low 486+
BT r/m,im8/reg Test bit; put bit im8 (or reg) of reg/mem into CF 386+
BTC r/m,im8/reg Test bit im8 (or reg) of r/m & complement that bit 386+
BTR r/m,im8/reg Test bit im8 (or reg) of reg/mem and reset that bit 386+
BTS r/m,im8/reg Test bit im8 (or reg) of reg/mem and set that bit 386+
CBW convert byte to word (sign-extend AL into AH)
CLC clear the carry flag to NC (CF←0)
CLD clear direction flag to UP (DF←UP←0) set to auto-increment
CLI disable maskable hardware interrupts (IF←0)
CMC complement (reverse the value of) the carry flag (CF←~CF)
CMP dest,src compare (non-destructive subtract)
CMPSB compare byte strings; flags←(rslt of CMP DS:[SI],ES:[DI]);
DI+=1; SI+=1
CMPSW like CMPSB but for words (opSize is 2 or 4 bytes)
CMPXCHG r/m,reg Compare and Exchange 486+
CMPXCHG8B Compare and Exchange 8 bytes Pentium
CPUID Get info into EBX,ECX,EBX (mode is 0 or 1 in EAX) Pentium
CTS/CLTS clear task switch flag (TF←1) 286+
CWD convert word to dword (sign-extend AX into DX)
DAA adjust after BCD▲ addition
DAS adjust for BCD▲ subtraction
DEC dest subtract 1 from dest (reg or r/m)
DIV src divide accumulator by unsigned value src (reg/mem)
ENTER frmsiz,cnt set high-level language stack frame
FWAIT wait for TEST line active (synchronize with coprocessor)
Fxxxxxx See 80x87 Floating Point Opcodes
HLT halt processing (perform NOPs until an interrupt occurs)
IDIV src divide accumulator by unsigned value src (reg/mem)
IMUL r16,r/m,im16 multiply reg/mem by 16-bit immediate signed value 286+
IMUL src multiply AL(AX) by signed integer src (reg/mem)
IN AL/AX,DX input to AL(or AX) from I/O port DX
IN AL/AX,port8 input to AL(or AX) from I/O port
INC dest add 1 to dest (reg or r/m)
INSB port input byte into string; ←byte at port DX) DI+=1 286+
INSW like INSB but fetches 16-bit words; DI+=2 286+
INT type perform a software interrupt (call a system function)
INTO type if OF==OV==1, then perform INT type
INVD Invalidate Data Cache 486+
INVLPG mem Invalidate Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) entry 486+
IRET return from interrupt
JA shortLbl jump if Above ((CF & ZF)==0 after unsigned math)
JAE shortLbl jump if Above or Equal (CF==NC==0 after unsigned math)
JB shortLbl jump if Below/Jump if Carry set (CF==CY==1)
JC shortLbl jump if Below/Jump if Carry set (CF==CY==1)
JCXZ shortLbl jump if CX==0
JE shortLbl jump if Equal (ZF==ZR==1)
JECXZ target Jump to target if ECX is 0 386+
JG shortLbl jump if Greater (SF==(OF & ZF) after signed math)
JGE shortLbl jump if Greater or Equal (SF==OF after signed math)
JL shortLbl jump if Less (ZF != OF after signed math)
JLE shortLbl jump if Less or Equal (SF!=OF || ZF==0 after signed math)
JMP target unconditionally transfer control to target
JNB shortLbl jump if Above or Equal (CF==NC==0 after unsigned math)
JNBE shortLbl jump if Above ((CF & ZF)==0 after unsigned math)
JNC shortLbl jump if carry not set (CF==NC==0) (same as JAE/JNB)
JNE shortLbl jump if Not Equal (ZF==NZ==0)
JNG shortLbl jump if Less or Equal (SF!=OF || ZF==0 after signed math)
JNGE shortLbl jump if Greater (SF==(OF & ZF) after signed math)
JNGE shortLbl jump if Less (ZF != OF after signed math)
JNL shortLbl jump if Greater or Equal (SF==OF after signed math)
JNO shortLbl jump if Not Overflow (OF==NO==0)
JNP shortLbl jump if Parity Odd (PF==PO==0: cnt of 1-bits is ODD)
JNS shortLbl jump if Not Sign (SF==PL==0: same as high-bit of dest)
JNZ shortLbl jump if Not Equal (ZF==NZ==0)
JO shortLbl jump if Overflow (OF==OV==1)
JP shortLbl jump if Parity Even (PF==PE==1 cnt of 1-bits is even)
JPE shortLbl jump if Parity Even (PF==PE==1 cnt of 1-bits is even)
JPO shortLbl jump if Parity Odd (PF==PO==0: cnt of 1-bits is ODD)
JS shortLbl jump if Sign (SF==NG==1: same as high-bit of dest)
JZ shortLbl jump if Equal (ZF==ZR==1)
LAHF load/convert flags into AH
LAR dest,src load high-byte of dest with Access Rights of src dsc 286+
LDS r16,mem load DS and reg16 from memory variable
LEA r16,addr load address into a register
LEAVE undo the effect of ENTER. Use just before RET.
LES r16,mem load ES and reg16 from memory variable
LFS reg,mem Load FS and reg from memory 386+
LGDT src load Global Descr. Table from 6-byte table at src 286+
LGS reg,mem Load GS and reg from memory 386+
LIDT src load Int. Descriptor Table from 6-byte table at src 286+
LLDT src load Local Descr. Tbl (GDT selector) from reg/mem16 286+
LMSW src load Machine Status Word (use to enter prot. mode) 286+
LOCK (prefix) prevent coproc. bus access on next opcode 386+
LODSB copy string byte into AL; AL ← DS:[SI]; SI+=1
LODSW copy string word into (E)AX; (E)AX←DS:[SI]; SI+=(2 or 4)
LOOP shortLbl CX←(CX-1) jump if CX!=0
LOOPE shortLbl CX←(CX-1) jump if CX!=0 && ZF==ZR==1
LOOPNE shortLbl CX←(CX-1) jump if CX!=0 && ZF==NZ==0
LOOPNZ shortLbl CX←(CX-1) jump if CX!=0 && ZF==NZ==0
LOOPZ shortLbl CX←(CX-1) jump if CX!=0 && ZF==ZR==1
LSL dest,src load dest with Segment Limit of descr. named by src 286+
LSS reg,mem Load SS and reg from memory 386+
LTR src load Task Register (GDT selector) from reg/mem16 286+
MOV dest,src transfer (copy) data to/from register, to/from memory
MOV CRn,src32 Load src32 data into Control Register n (0,2,or 3) 386+
MOV dest,CRn Load Control Register n into dest (reg/mem32) 386+
MOV dest,DRn Load Debug Register n into dest (reg/mem32) 386+
MOV dest,TRn Load Test Register n into dest (reg/mem32) 386+
MOV DRn,src32 Load src32 data into Debug Register n (0-3,6,or 7) 386+
MOV TRn,src32 Load src32 data into Test Register n (3-7) 386+
MOVSB copy byte string; ES:[DI]←DS:[SI]; DI+=1; SI+=1
MOVSW copy word string; ES:[DI]←DS:[SI]; DI+=▲; SI+=▲ (▲=2 or 4)
MOVSXB MOVSB with SF (sign) extension 386+
MOVSXW MOVSW with ZF (zero) extension 386+
MUL src multiply AL(AX) by unsigned value src (reg/mem)
NEG dest change sign of an operand
NOT dest form 1's complement (toggle every bit in dest)
OR dest,src inclusive OR (set dest bits which are 1s in src)
OUT DX,AL/AX output from AL (or AX) to I/O port DX
OUT port8,AL/AX output from AL (or AX) to I/O port
OUTS like OUTSB but outputs 16-bit words; SI+=2 286+
OUTSB port output byte from string; [prtDX]←DS:[SI]; SI+=1 286+
POP dest transfer from stack to dest (reg16, r/m16, or segreg)
POPA POP All: copy general registers from stack. 286+
POPF POP Flags: transfer from stack to flags register
PUSH immed transfer immed16 (or sign-extended immed8) to stack.
PUSH src transfer reg16 or r/m16 to stack
PUSHA PUSH ALL: copy general registers to stack. 286+
PUSHF PUSH Flags: transfer flags register to stack
RCL dest[,cnt] rotate dest left through Carry by 1, CL, or cnt
RCR dest[,cnt] rotate dest right through Carry by 1, CL, or cnt
RDMSR reg/mem Read from model-specific register in ECX Pentium
RDTSC Read timestamp counter Pentium
REP/REPE/REPZ (prefix) repeat: perform string operation repeatedly
CX←(CX-1); string op repeats until CX==0
REPNE/REPNZ (prefix) repeat: useful for string ops CMPS and SCAS
ZF←0; CX←(CX-1); StrOp repeats while (CX!=0 and ZF==0)
ROL dest[,cnt] rotate dest left by 1, CL, or cnt
ROR dest[,cnt] rotate dest right by 1, CL, or cnt
SAHF store/convert AH into flags
SAL dest shift left (multiply by 2) by 1, CL, or cnt
SAR dest shift arithmetic right (retain high bit) by 1, CL, or cnt
SBB dest,src subtract using borrow (carry flag) from previous SUB
SCASB find byte in string; flags←(rslt of CMP DS:[DI],AL); DI+=1
SCASW like SCASB but for words (opSize is mem16 or mem32; DI+=▲)
SEG segreg (prefix) override default segreg for next EA calc
SETccc dest If condition ccc is true, set the byte at dest to 1 386+
SGDT dest store 6-byte Global Desc. Table to memory at dest 286+
SHL dest[,cnt] shift left (multiply by 2) by 1, CL, or cnt
SHLD r/m,reg,im8 shift left r/m (16- or 32-bit) by im8 (or CL) bits,
r/m,reg,CL inserting data from reg into the vacated positions 386+
SHR dest[,cnt] shift right (divide by 2) by 1, CL, or cnt
SHRD r/m,reg,im8 shift right r/m (16- or 32-bit) by im8 (or CL) bits,
r/m,reg,CL inserting data from reg into the vacated positions 386+
SIDT dest store 6-byte Int. Descriptor Table to memory at dest 286+
SIZ (prefix; 66H) next data ref is non-default size 386+
SLDT dest store Local Descr. Table register into dest (r/m16) 286+
SMSW src store Machine Status Word to reg/mem16 286+
STC set the carry flag to CY (CF←1)
STD set direction flag to DN (DF←DN←1) set to auto-decrement
STD set direction flag to DN (string ops decrement) (DF←1)
STI enable maskable hardware interrupts (IF←1)
STOSB store byte into string; ES:[DI]←AL; DI+=1
STOSW store word into string; ES:[DI]←(E)AX; DI+=▲ (▲=2 or 4)
STR dest store Task Register to reg/mem16 286+
SUB dest,src subtract src from dest, leaving result in dest
TEST dest,src non-destructive AND (bit test; JZ jumps if no match)
VERR seg Sets ZF to ZR if task has read privileges for seg 286+
VERW seg Sets ZF to ZR if task has write privileges for seg 286+
WAIT wait for TEST line active (synchronize with coprocessor)
WBINVD Write-Back and Invalidate Data Cache 486+
WRMSR reg/mem Write to model-specific register in ECX Pentium
XADD r/m,reg Exchange and Add 486+
XCHG dest,src exchange values of two registers or register and r/m
XLAT translate AL into a value in a translation table at BX
XOR dest,src exclusive OR (toggle dest bits which are 1s in src)
Instruction Set