XMS 00H: Get XMS Version Number

                                                     Compatibility: XMS 2.0+ 
 Expects: AH    00H
 Returns: AX    status: 0000H = successful
                        0001H = error and BL=XMS error code (if BL >= 80H)
                        else  = XMS version number in BCD; e.g., 0234H=2.34
          BX    driver internal version number
          DX    HMA flag: 0001H = HMA exists; 0000H=HMA does not exist
    Info: This fn obtains the version number of the Extended Memory
          Specification that is supported by the installed driver.

          The return value in DX indicates the existence of the HMA (use
          XMS 01H to test its availability).

See Also: XMS Functions
          Extended Memory Specification (XMS)
          DOS Functions