A feature in DOS 6.0+ supports multiple configuration sets. You can display a menu of options and, depending upon the selection, execute different parts of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. ─────────────────────────────────── Menu Definition Commands [MENU] Identify the beginning of the startup menu. MENUITEM= Define text to display in a menu and identify a block of commands to be executed when that option is selected. MENUDEFAULT= Set a default option and a time-out value. MENUCOLOR= Set text and background colors for the menu display. SUBMENU= Identify a menu item as a submenu. ─────────────────────────────────────────── Related Commands INCLUDE= Execute the commands in another block and resume executing the commands in the current block. NUMLOCK= Set the initial state of keyboard NumLock. This facilitates using the arrow keys for making a selection. SET Create an environment variable for possible use in AUTOEXEC.BAT or other batch files. SWITCHES= The /N switch disables F8 (Interactive Boot) and F5 (Clean Boot). /F tells DOS to skip the normal 2-second delay before starting to execute CONFIG.SYS. ──────────────────────────────────────────── Syntax Elements [COMMON] Identify a series of commands that will be executed regardless of which configuration menu option is chosen (Note: Commands above the first menu are considered to be part of a [COMMON] block). [blockName] Identify the beginning of a series of CONFIG.SYS commands or the start of a submenu. CONFIG An environment variable that gets set to the blockName of the selected menu item. Use this to run specific commands in AUTOEXEC.BAT, depending upon the chosen configuration. REM or ; Lines beginning with a semicolon (;) or REM are ignored. cmd?= A question mark (?) before the equal sign (=) sign in any CONFIG.SYS command causes DOS to prompt and allow you to skip that command. See Also: Clean Boot Interactive Boot CONFIG.SYS Commands System Startup Sequence -♦-