INT 2fH b706H: Query APPEND.EXE Option Settings

                                                         Compatibility: 4.0+ 
 Expects: AX    b706H
 Returns: CF    Carry Flag clear (NC) if no error
          BX    current APPEND.EXE option settings (see below)
    Info: This obtains the APPEND option flags which affect how APPEND

       BX On return, BX contains the settings as follows:
            1 1 1 1 1
           ╓5┬4┬3┬2┬1- ┬1┬0╖
           ║xep│0 0...0 n║
           ╙╥┴╥┴╥┴─┴── ┴─┴╥╜ bit   mask
            ║ ║ ║         ╚═►  0: 0001H enabled (0=APPEND is disabled)
            ║ ║ ╚═══════════► 13: 2000H /PATH:ON option is in effect
            ║ ╚═════════════► 14: 4000H /E option is in effect
            ╚═══════════════► 15: 8000H /X:ON option is in effect

    bit 0 is always 1 (if APPEND is loaded), unless a program has used
          INT 2fH b707H to clear this bit and thereby disable APPEND.

   bit 13 When /PATH:ON is in effect, APPEND will search the APPEND
          directories for a file, even if a path was given in the filespec.

   bit 14 When /E is in effect, APPEND maintains a copy of the append path
          in the DOS Environment (in the form APPEND=path;path;...)

   bit 14 When /X:ON is in effect, APPEND will search the APPEND path for
          DOS fns that execute programs (such as 4b00H) and for fns that
          search for files (4eH)  When bit 15 is 0, APPEND searches only
          for file open requests (3dH and 6cH).

   Notes: You may change settings and/or disable APPEND altogether via
          INT 2fH b707H (set APPEND options).

See Also: INT 2fH b7xxH: APPEND.EXE Functions
          INT 2fH: Multiplex Interrupt
          DOS Functions