INT 2fH b707H: Set APPEND.EXE Options / Disable APPEND

                                                         Compatibility: 4.0+ 
 Expects: AX    b707H
          BX    an AppendOptsRec bit-record defining desired settings (clear
                bit 0 to disable APPEND).
 Returns: CF    Carry Flag clear (NC) if no error
    Info: This changes the various APPEND.EXE option settings.

          INT 2fH b706H for the layout of the bits in the BX register.

   Notes: These settings are system-global.  Before making changes, use
          INT 2fH b706H (query settings) and save the result.  Then restore
          the saved settings before terminating your program.

See Also: INT 2fH b7xxH: APPEND.EXE Functions
          INT 2fH: Multiplex Interrupt
          DOS Functions