INT 2fH 17xxH: Windows Clipboard Functions

                                                         Compatibility: 3.0+ 
     See: 1700H (IdentifyWinOldApVersion / is clipboard available?)
          1701H (OpenClipboard / lock access)
          1702H (EmptyClipboard)
          1703H (SetClipboardData / put data into clipboard)
          1704H (GetClipboardDataSize)
          1705H (GetClipboardData / get data from clipboard)

          1708H (CloseClipboard / unlock access)
          1709H (ClipboardCompact / will my data fit?)
          170aH (GetDeviceCaps)

   Notes: These functions are available to programs running in a DOS
          session under Windows.

          Accessible data formats are limited; this API does not support
          RegisterClipboardFormat and EnumClipboardFormats, so custom data
          layouts can't be used.

 To obtain data from the Windows clipboard:
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1700H to see if clipboard fns are available.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1701H to gain ownership of the clipboard.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1704H to see how much of a specific type of data is in the
  ■ Prepare a buffer to receive that data.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1705H to obtain a copy of the data into your buffer.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1708H to release ownership of the clipboard.

 To store data into the Windows clipboard:
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1700H to see if clipboard fns are available.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1701H to gain ownership of the clipboard.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1702H to clear out the current contents.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1709H to see if your data will fit in the clipboard.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1703H to copy your data to the clipboard.
  ■ Use INT 2fH 1708H to release ownership of the clipboard.

See Also: INT 2fH: Multiplex Interrupt
          DOS Functions