INT 2fH 1705H: Copy Clipboard Data to Buffer

                                                    Compatibility:  WIN 3.0+ 
 Expects: AX    1705H
          DX    WinOldApp-supported clipboard data format code
          ES:BX address of buffer to receive data (see NOTE, below)
 Returns: AX    0000h = fn failed (DX-type data not present)
                else  = success; data was copied to buffer
    Info: This copies data from the clipboard to a local buffer.
          Equivalent to GetClipboardData.

   NOTE!: You must be certain that your buffer is large enough to hold the
          data.  Use INT 2fH 1704H (GetClipboardDataSize) to see how large
          the buffer must be.  There is no sanity check--and clipboard data
          can be very large.

See Also: INT 2fH 17xxH: Windows Clipboard Functions
          INT 2fH: Multiplex Interrupt
          DOS Functions