Popup Help!

  TECH Help! is very useful as a RAM-resident popup program, placing reams
  of technical information at your fingertips as you work.  Once installed,
  it can be activated from within your program editor, debugger, programming
  environment, or at the DOS prompt.

  ■ To make TECH Help! resident,      use XVIEW /I (or /IX,/IE,or /IDd)
    To remove TECH Help! from memory, use XVIEW /U.
    See xView■Syntax for details.

  ■ Use Alt+H or Alt+L to popup Help! (XVIEW /K= sets the hotkeys)
    • Alt-H pops up the most recently-viewed page of text
    • Alt-L searches the Index page for the word at your cursor; e.g.,

        C:>ASCII  (now press Alt+L to pop up the ASCII Table)

█▌Features and Limitations▐█
  ■ TECH Help! is designed for use with a text-based program editor or
    debugger.  It will not pop up when the screen is in graphics mode.

  ■ xView performs the usual shenanigans to avoid the DOS reentrancy
    problem.  Once inside of a DOS function, the popup request (hot key)
    will be noticed but may not be acted upon immediately.  xView passes
    control of all intercepted interrupt vectors to their original owners
    and works with all popular popup programs; however, it is possible
    that some programs will disable the ability to popup xView or that
    some other conflict will arise.

  ■ The /IX, /IE, and /ID TSR-installation options are more likely to cause
    conflicts than the /I (or /IC) option.

  ■ If the Alt+H or Alt+L hot keys interfere with a keystroke of another
    application, you may select a different scan code for either or both
    of them.  For programs such as QBASIC, which react immediately at
    the press of the [Alt] key, it is possible to select a Ctrl-shifted
    key or a seldom-used function key, such as F12.  See xView■Examples.

  ■ When XVIEW starts, it locates one or more hypertext databases and
    text files.  The first such file it finds becomes the active manual
    (the /M option and the "Startup with this file" option from the
    Configure/Options menu can override this behavior.

 XVIEW reads information from the file header.  Thereafter, it must hit
 the data file for each topic page as you select it.  In popup mode, the
 file is closed upon exit from the popup and re-opened whenever XVIEW
 is activated.  Thus, it is important that the data file remain in its
 original drive and directory.
 Installing & Configuring Help!   xView■Syntax                    Main Menu