
                                                        Examples │ Notes 
 Purpose: Displays hypertext databases and text files.  In conjunction with
          the TECH Help! database, provides in-depth technical reference
          information for programmers.

          See Using TECH Help! for a general introduction.

  Syntax: XVIEW [topic] [/B] [/H] [/M=file] [/Q] [/?] ◄═════ normal startup

      or: XVIEW /I[swap] [/M=file] [/K=key1,key2] [/B] [/Q] ◄═══ load TSR
      or: XVIEW /U [/Q]                                     ◄═══ remove TSR


   (none) starts xView as an interactive, full screen program.  After the
          initial logo screen, the Main Menu page is displayed.

    topic is any keyword found on the General Index page.  You need only
          type enough of topic to make it unique (e.g., XVIEW ASCII would
          bring up the ASCII Table topic.  You may surround topic with
          quotes to lookup two-word topics, such as "file attributes".  If
          topic is present, /I and /K are ignored.

       /B starts xView with a black-and-white color set.  After choosing a
          custom color set (Alt+C,C,C) and Save Setup (Alt+C,S) xView will
          startup with your custom color set.

       /H sets xView to display the maximum number of screen lines
          available on your video system (43 lines on EGA and 50 on VGA.

  /M=file specifies the name and location of the hypertext database file.
          xView will look in its program directory, the current default
          directory, in the XVIEWPATH directory, and down the command
          search path to locate hypertext databases and text files.
          See Notes.

       /Q starts "quietly"; bypasses the logo screen and displays the Main
          Menu.  When used with /I, skips the logo screen when going TSR.

       /? displays a brief TTY-style syntax summary.

          ───────────────────────────────────────────────────── TSR Options
 /I[swap] Loads xView into memory as a TSR.  swap is C, E, X, or D.
       /I and...
      /IC specify to load as a standard TSR, using about 140K of
          conventional memory.

          /IE, /IX, and /IE use only 5K or conventional memory by swapping
          data into and out of conventional memory when you pop it up.
          See Notes.

      /IE uses EMS (expanded memory) for swapping storage.
      /IX uses XMS (extended memory) for swapping storage.
     /IDd uses disk space on drive d (or the default drive) for storage.

/K=key1,key2 selects hot key triggers to be used when in TSR mode.
     key1 identifies the key for popping up at the most recently-viewed
          page.  Default: Alt+H.
     key2 identifies the "lookup" key.  When used, xView will attempt to
          read the screen at the current cursor location and collect a
          topic to lookup.  Default: Alt+L.

          Both key names are in the form Achar (for Alt+char) or Cchar
          (for Ctrl+char) or F1...F12 or NONE.  For char, you may use
          any alphabetic character A...Z, or F1...F12.

       /U Unloads xView from memory (if it has been installed as a TSR).

See Also: Examples
          Installing TECH Help!
          Popup Help!